About Susan


My own inward journey began with my early religious schooling. I later entered the convent where I began my lifelong practice of meditation. After leaving the convent, I explored my spiritual path by studying Eastern philosophies.

In the past 35 years, I have run the light where and when I have been called to – traveling the world over to help others.  I call myself a Lightrunner ®.

To further my own spiritual growth, I met with psychics and healers around the globe and have spent a life time learning from seekers from every culture on what and how they “see”.

My life has been filled with multi-cultural experiential learning from Haiti to Dubai, UAE.  These experiences have sharpened my skill set in the same manner as my previous career in the legal profession. Through my own dream analysis  and Jungian shadow work, I have learned to understand and honor my gifts and it is a pleasure to share these with you.

Curriculum Vitae

My early education consisted of Catholic elementary and secondary schooling, attending a school for girls only in Seattle, WA. Upon graduation, I completed postulancy in the novitiate of the Holy Names Order of Catholic nuns at their convent in Oswego, Oregon. I received a B.A.in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley, where I graduated summa cum laude and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. I attended law school in California and I am a licensed private investigator in California and Florida. I have an extensive background in criminal law and labor arbitration. In 2011 I attended the Iowa Writers Festival to put the finishing touch on my Memoir,  Visions and Visitors.

In the early 1970s, I studied at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in Berkeley, CA and from 1984-86, I tutored under the Vishnu Devandanda at his Ashram in the Bahamas in 1989. I have studied the Course of Miracles since 1989 and have been associated with the Theosophical Society since 1988. I am also an ordained and licensed  Minister in the Universal Brotherhood Movement Inc. with a Bachelor of Divinity in Ministerial Counseling and Metaphysical Healing. In the years following I  studied at the Institute for Spiritual Development (ISD) in Washington, DC and the Institute for the Advancement of Service (IAS) in Alexandria, VA. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and am a founding member of the Holistic Entrepreneur Alliance of Alexandria, VA. I have worked at the Scottsdale, AZ store Vision Quest as a weekend reader working with many local readers and clients.  Currently, I am a member of the Inked In Gray Writing Community of Greater Phoenix where I hone my craft with other writers. I facilitated a Creative Writer’s Group through the Maricopa County Library system at Gilbert, AZ from 2015 – 2018.

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